
사회적기업가 날개달아주기

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    [비공개] Information Session on the 2010 Grant ..

    Information Session on the 2010 Grant Program of theToyotaFoundation ofJapan On the 2ndof May, 2010 (Sun.), an information session on the 2010 Grant Program of the Toyota Foundation of Japan was held for three hours from 2 pm, aimed at sharing information on overseas subsidy programs to the effect of sustaining traditional Asian culture within Korean civil society and social enterprises. Participants in the session showed deep interest in the main theme of the Toyota Foundation’s grant program, which is titled ‘Research on Practices for the Community of Asia and the Sustainable Inheritance of Traditional Asian Culture.’ Ms. KWON Su-Jin (left), in charge of the Asian Neighbors Program of the Toyota Foundation, explained the contest to select receivers of subsidies in detail while Director LEE Ho of the Grassroots Self-Governing Institute ‘E-eum’ (right) gave a presentation on being selected as a beneficiary of the program. Director LEE introduced tips on how to qu..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:50 pm|추천


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    [비공개] Global Nanum Festival, ‘2010 SBS Hope ..

    Global Nanum Festival‘2010 SBS Hope TV’ Report 2010 SBS Hope TV, which asks people to spread the culture of sharing by making donations in person, was held for the second straight year by SBS, Community Chest of Korea, and six NGOs (the Work Together Foundation, Good Neighbors, Save the Children Korea, World Vision and the Korean Committee for UNICEF). This donation campaign visited people with the theme of helping children living in poverty both in and outside of Korea. The Work Together Foundation got around 600 donors to partner with the foundation when it works to help children living in poverty. Here are the four donation points provided by 2010 SBS Hope TV: #1. Donate with a theme that interests you! In 2010 SBS Hope TV, NGOs make donations with the theme of ‘helping children living in poverty both in and outside of Korea.’ Donors often report feeling more satisfaction when they know their money is going towards solving a problem they feel strongly about. ..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:41 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] ‘Measuring Social Enterprises’ Outcome..

    ‘Measuring Social Enterprises’ Outcomesby SROI The 19thSocial Enterprise Open Forum was held in Gangwon-do Residents Hall in Mapo-gu on May 12 with more than 70 people attending. The purpose of this forum was to learn and practice skills regarding the measurement of the value created by social enterprises, with an official theme of ‘Measuring Social Enterprises’ Outcome by Social Return On Investment and Social Reports.’ The Korean SROI, developed by the Work Together Foundation and the Socially Responsible Management Center of KAIST, is a tool that converts social value into an economic indicator to measure the social and economic results of social enterprises. The Work Together Foundation published this outcome as ‘A Guide to the Assessment of Value Creation in Social Enterprises’ last year. The forum was opened by Prof. RHA June-Young (Department of Business Administration at the Catholic University of Korea) who made a presentation about the definition and..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:39 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] The Japan Association for Refugees Vis..

    The Japan Association for Refugees visited the Work Together Foundation on April 30, 2010. This visit was made possible by the Association’s request originating from their keen interest in Korea’s Social Enterprise Promotion Act and the foundation’s supporting services. The foundation introduced cases of its support for social enterprises and the current status and characteristics of social enterprises in Korea. The Association is currently trying to find out ways to help refugees, such as establishing a social enterprise or operating a loan program. Figuring out how to set up those systems was one of the purposes of their visit. ◎난민지원협회(Japan Association for Refugees) ◎Japan Association for Refugees Tel. +81-3-5379-6001 Fax. +81-3-5379-6002 Hot Line for Refugees (Free) 0120-477-472 Website.www.refugee.or.jp E-mail.info@refugee.or.jp Translated by CHOI Eun-Young Edited by Patrick Ferraro
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:38 pm|추천


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    [비공개] Launching Ceremony for ‘KB Teenagers’ ..

    Launching Ceremony for ‘KB Teenagers’ Dream’ KB Kookmin Bank to Support Vocational Education for Youths from Low-Income Families The launching ceremony for ‘KB Teenagers’ Dream’ was held at the Work Together Foundation on June 20, attended by around 100 teenagers. ‘KB Teenagers’ Dream’ intends to support vocational education and provide training fees for low-income teenagers. Sponsored by KB Kookmin Bank (President: KANG Chung-Won) and co-hosted by the Work Together Foundation and the Korea Self-Sufficiency Promotion Agency, ‘KB Teenagers’ Dream’ provides opportunities for teenagers to grow to be confident members of society by letting them explore various jobs and eventually find actual jobs. Executive Director LEE Kwang-Taek of the WT said in his welcoming remarks, “Chances are for those who dream. I expect the camp will give you valuable opportunities to deeply explore your aptitude and career path.” Director KIM Jin-Hong of the Strategy..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:33 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] The Featured Lecture from Peter Webste..

    The foundation invited Peter Webster, a well-knownexpertin theSociallyResponsible Investment field intheUK, for the 18thOpenForumfor SocialEntrepreneurship, with thetopicof 'TheAssetManagementPlan forNon-ProfitFoundationUse oftheSociallyResponsible Investment Method –Focused onUK Exemplification' onDecember17th(Thursday). Peter Webster is executive director of the EIRiS Foundation,which isaBritish social responsible activity assessment/research foundation for SociallyResponsible Investment and Enterprise. He explained British sociallyresponsible investment trendsand methodsfor participation of private foundations insociallyresponsible investment. The forum started withagreetingbyRyu Yong-jae, a member of the financial resources management committeeof the Work Together Foundation andthe presidentof Sustinvest. Peter Webster started his speechbyintroducing EIRiS,which was founded in 1983in theUK with thepurpose ofprovidingsociallyresponsible investment consultation for charity-m..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:31 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] SEO TAE JI Fandom Giving Circle Signed..

    SEO TAE JI*FandomGiving Circle**Signed an Agreement for Donation for Teenagers The Work Together Foundation and the ‘SEO TAE JI Giving Circle’ signed a donation agreement for supporting teenagers in low-income families on November 19, 2009 and are now going to start activities in earnest. The ‘SEO TAE JI Giving Circle,’ with the intent of sharing the hope they learned from their mentor,SEO Tae-Ji,with teenagers, is attracting public attention by focusing oncreating alternatives for fandom donation, which was characterized byone-time donations, with the motto of ‘Freedom, Challenge, Creation and Independence.' The supporting fund formed for teenagers in low-income families has now become more meaningful because of its fundraising at SEO Tae-Ji’s birthday party last February and the collections of regular donations during his nationwide concert tour. The Circle’s representatives said that while they are going to concentrate their resources on the collections o..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:30 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] Social Venture Competition 2009 - Fina..

    Give Wings to Goodwill Ideas! Social Venture Competition 2009 (Final Round) TheSocial Venture Competition,which has been ongoing since last May, wrapped up its entire schedule with the final round on Thursday, November 5th.The competition supports business start-ups or ideas in pursuit of both social and economic values. A total of 600 teams applied to the competition from all over Korea. Of them, 42 teams were chosen in regional competitions, moving a step closer to the final competition. ▲Many people came to the venue to participate in theSocial VentureNational Competition ▲Posters were made by the final-round teams. In the final round, each team made a breathtaking presentation, delighting the audience. They nodded their heads in approval of the innovative ideas on display and applauded even when the presenters made some mistakes. ▲A presenter presenting in front of the judges ▲The judges’ panel was made up of experts from various fields such as governme..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:28 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] Asian Forum for Solidarity Economy in ..

    The Asian Forum for Solidarity Economy in Japan visited the Work Together Foundation The organizing committee members of the Asian Forum for Solidarity Economy and professionals in the field of solidarity economy visited the Work Together Foundation on September 3rd. The five people were preparing the Asian Forum for Solidarity Economy which would be held in this November, and visited Korea in order to research the practices of solidarity economy in Korea before the forum. The Japanese delegation and Korean professionals in the field of social entrepreneurship agree with the importance of partnerships between Korea and Japan for the prosperity of solidarity economy. Even though there are separate networks for co-operatives, social enterprises, and fair trade, this visit and theAsian Forum for Solidarity Economy are aiming at strengthening a broad organic network of the entire social economy. The first place they visited was the Work Together Foundation. The Korean hosts ex..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:25 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] Partnership agreement on establishing ..

    Partnership agreement on establishing the Social Venture Incubating Center among the Life Insurance Social Contribution Center,Kyobo Life Insurance and the Work Together Foundation The Work Together Foundation, the Life Insurance Social Contribution Center andKyobo life Insurance Co., Ltd. have made a partnership agreement to establish the Social Venture Incubating Center and its operations,commencing a social venture incubating and nourishing project together. The center will be located onthe 3rdfloor of the Work Together Foundation building in Seoul. Ten to fifteen teams from social venture projects will be centeredthere each year. The selected teams will getsupport in diverse areas such as team building, business consulting, mentoring and so on in the interest ofattaining their self-sustainability andgrowth. The Foundation has supported the Social Venture Competition and pilot programs to realize social venture ideas to promotesocial ventures in Korea since 2007. With this kno..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-26 05:24 pm|추천


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