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블로그"제목없음"에 대한 검색결과149건
  • [비공개] 14회 차이코프스키 국제콩쿨 XIV International Tcha..

    Round II, Phase I Results Violin The following competitors will advance to Round II, Phase II: Nigel Armstrong (USA)Andrey Baranov (Russia)Sergey Dogadin (Russia)Jehye Lee (South Korea)Aylen Pritchin (Russia)Eric Silberger (USA)Yu-Chien Tseng (Taiwan)Itamar Zorman (Israel) Piano The following competitors will advance to Round II, Phase II: Alexei Chernov (Russia)Seong Jin Cho (South Korea)Sara Daneshpour (USA)Filipp Kopachevskiy (Russia)Alexander Lubyantsev (Russia)Alexander Romanovsky (Ukraine)Yeol Eum Son (South Korea)Daniil Trifonov (Russia) Cello The following compe.......
    제목없음|2011-06-22 09:39 am|추천


  • [비공개] 14회 차이코프스키 국제콩쿨 XIV International Tcha..

    Round I: Violin 1. Pavel Milyukov (Russia): June 16, 13:002. Fedor Roudine (France): June 16, 14:003. Nancy Zhou (USA): June 16, 15:004. Nigel Armstrong (USA): June 16, 19:005. Mayu Kishima (Japan): June 16, 20:006. Marisol Lee (South Korea): June 16, 21:107. Christopher Tun Andersen (Norway): June 16, 22:108. Andrey Baranov (Russia): June 17, 13:009. Albrecht Menzel (Germany): June 17, 14:0010. Lena Semenova(Russia): June 17, 15:0011. Sergey Dogadin (Russia): June 17, 19:0012. Jehye Lee (South Korea): June 17, 20:0013. Ivan Pochekin (Russia): June 17, 21:1014. Julia Turnovsky (Austria):.......
    제목없음|2011-06-20 10:49 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 14회 차이코프스키 국제콩쿨 XIV International Tcha..

    Preselection Round (DVD Auditions) *Revised A recital not to exceed fifty minutes in length and consisting of the following works: J.S. Bach. Candidate’s choice of:Adagio and Fugue from the Sonata No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005;Chaconne from the Partita No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1004. N.Paganini. Two caprices of the candidate’s choice. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz-Scherzo op.34. One composition of the candidate’s choice. Only complete works will be accepted. Round I *Revised A recital not to exceed fifty minutes in length and consisting of the following works: J.S. Bach. Candidat.......
    제목없음|2011-06-20 10:45 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 14회 차이코프스키 국제콩쿨 XIV International Tcha..

    Rules for Application The Fourteenth International Tchaikovsky Competition is open to musicians of all nationalities. First-prize winners of previous Tchaikovsky Competitions are not eligible to compete. The Application Form can be submitted online, by post or email. It must be completed, signed, and sent with all the necessary enclosures to the Organizing Committee. *DVDs and all mailed support materials for the application must be mailed to the Moscow address only by express mail services such as DHL, Fed Ex, EMS, and others. The following supplementary materials must accompa.......
    제목없음|2011-06-20 10:44 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 14회 차이코프스키 국제콩쿨 XIV International Tcha..

    The Competition The Competition will consist of three separate rounds: Round I, Round II and Round III (Final). Round I will include a recital only. Round IIwill have two phases: recital of a commissioned work (piano, violin and cello only) and chamber music. Round III(Final) will include accompaniment by a full symphony orchestra. Dates The competition is scheduled for June 14 – July 2, 2011. Moscow will play host to the pianists and cellists June 15 through 30 and to a Closing Gala Concert on July 1. The violinists and vocalists will compet.......
    제목없음|2011-06-20 10:41 pm|추천


  • [비공개] The 'Lady Blunt' A FINE AND IMPORTANT ..

    두명이 경합을 벌이더니 결국 £8,750,000에 낙찰되었군요....수수료포함£9,800,000 , 한화로 약 172억.. The 'Lady Blunt'A FINE AND IMPORTANT ITALIAN VIOLIN BY ANTONIO STRADIVARI, CREMONA, 1721 Labelled, "Antonius Stradivarius faciebat Cremonensis Anno 1721." Bearing its original neck, re-angled at the heal. Accompanied by its original bassbar and fingerboard and a presentation case from W.E. Hill & Sons. The ornamented pegs and tailpiece by Jean Baptiste Vuillaume. Inscribed “PG” to the inside of the pegbox. LOB 35.7 cm * Sold with certificates from:• W.E........
    제목없음|2011-06-15 09:46 am|추천


  • [비공개] 제38회 한국음악콩쿠르

    (글의 앞부분이 이미지 혹은 HTML 태그만으로 되어있습니다)
    제목없음|2011-06-14 02:01 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 2012학년도 예원학교 음악부 입시 실기 지정곡

    드디어 예원학교 입시 실기곡이 발표되었네요.. 올해 준비하시는 분들 모두 화이팅!!  2012학년도 예원학교 음악부 입시 지정곡 실기고사 (100점) 전공 지정곡 피아노 ㉠,㉡, ㉢-①,② 곡 4곡 모두 ㉠ 음계: 모든 장음계와 화성 단음계 4옥타브(반복 없이, 코드 없이) ㉡ L. V. Beethoven Rondo a Capriccio in G Major, Op.129 ㉢-① F. Chopin Mazurka No.23 in D Major, op.33-2 또는 &nbs.......
    제목없음|2011-06-10 10:57 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 2011년 1차 이베이 정책변경

    2011년 1차 이베이 정책변경
    제목없음|2011-05-30 05:26 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 조은하비 영공방 YM862-13 오르골피아노 조립키트

    조은하비 영공방 YM862-13 오르골피아노 조립키트 http://jounhobby.com/surl/P/36735 이미지를 클릭하시면 조은하비 쇼핑몰로 이동합니다. 조은하비 영공방 YM862-13 오르골피아노 조립키트 http://jounhobby.com/surl/P/36735 이미지를 클릭하시면 조은하비 쇼핑몰로 이동합니다.
    제목없음|2011-05-22 11:31 pm|추천


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