[비공개] How "ethical consumption" can change
http://www.nuvo.net/indianapolis/how-ethical-consumption-can-change-corporate-behavior/Content?oid=3801803 2016 2 17How "ethical consumption" can change corporate behavior By Lori Lovely Share this. Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Add to favorites Saving… click to enlarge In the words of 19th-Century English author, editor and economist Walter Bagehot, money is power. Many factors influence how consumers invoke their monetary power, but increasingly, perhaps, personal ethics determine spending habits. Questionable practices such as animal testing and the personal moral actions of corpor.......추천 -
[비공개] 페이스북 광고와 온/오프라인 시스템의 절묘한 결합 사례 스타라입스
O2O 남성의류 업체 스트라입스는 고객이 있는 곳으로 직원을 보내 신체 치수를 측정하고 패션에 대한 조언을 해준다. 옷은 7∼12일 안에 택배로 배송된다. 2013년 창업 첫해 매출은 약 1억 원이었고 2015년은 약 40억 원, 2016년은 약 90억 원을 바라보고 있다. 대표적인 레드오션 시장인 의류 산업에서 이같은 성과를 내는 데에는 페이스북 광고와 온/오프라인 시스템의 절묘한 결합이 결정적이었다.스트라입스에서는 반나절 만에 많게는 100가지 종류의 광고가 페이스북에 올라간다. 바로 바로 지표를 확인하면서 효과가 좋은 상위 20% 정도만 남기고 나머지는 버리는 일을 끝없이 반복한다. 각각의 광고는 도달 수에서 100배까지 차.......추천 -
[비공개] 10 Emotions
Marketing & Psychology: 10 Emotions That Incite ActionMarch 23rd 2016 | Small Business Tips Emotional intelligence is great for sales We like to think of ourselves as rational creatures who make decisions based on calculation of cost and benefit, but the truth is we are strongly driven by our emotional mindset, gut reactions, and moods. This poses a challenge for today’s marketers. Selling to the brain is challenging but straightforward, but selling to the heart? That’s a whole different story.The first step is to map various emotions and understand how they can trigger the desi.......추천 -
[비공개] 5 Reasons Why Positive Emotions
5 Reasons Why Positive Emotions Make You More Sociable24 May 2016 “Positive emotions exert their power over the long term, and are critical to building a healthy and fruitful life” (Fredrickson, 2002)Imagine someone who is grumpy, angry, frustrated, complaining and dissatisfied with his/her life. Now think about a person who is friendly, kind and smiling. If you had to choose between becoming friends with one of the two of these people, which one would you choose? I would choose the second person, as I assume you would too. There is a reason why we choose the second person: our emotions serv.......추천 -
감성 EMOTION 형성은 시간과 사회적 거리(자아와의 거리)가 영향을 미칠것이다. 이러한 부분은 감성의 Valence 에 따라 달라질 것이다 그리고 자아의 유형에 따라서도 달라질 것이다 이러한 부분은 도덕적 민감성 정도에 따라 달라질 것이다 제품유형에 따라 ... 아무튼 감성 관련 부분은 조금은 연구주제로 풍부한 자원인 듯 하다 사회적 행동으로 연결시키고 싶다 이러한 부분의 연구는 향후 코즈마케팅의 연구메카니즘의 기초가 되었으면 하는 바램을 가져 본다 \ 되어 줄 것이다추천 -
[비공개] The Hedonic Treadmill: Happiness Throu..
The Hedonic Treadmill: Happiness Throughout a Lifetime16 Nov 2014 The Hedonic Treadmill (also known as hedonic adaptation) is a theory that proposes that people stay at about the same level of happiness, regardless of what happens to them. Rousseau beautifully explains hedonic adaptation in his second discourse with the following words:“Since these conveniences by becoming habitual had almost entirely ceased to be enjoyable, and at the same time degenerated into true needs, it became much more cruel to be deprived of them than to possess them was sweet, and men were unhappy to.......추천 -
[비공개] Understanding and Developing Positive ..
Understanding and Developing Positive Emotions05 Oct 2014 Imagine you are walking alone in a forest. You look to your right and then you see a footprint in the mud. It’s not a human footprint. It’s a bear’s footprint.This is not a fictional scenario I made up to introduce you to the psychology of emotions. I was that person on a hike in Yellowstone National Park. The surge of adrenalin fuelled by fear prepared me for what’s known as the fight-or-flight response.That’s the reason that negative emotions impact us so viscerally. Now the problem with bears is that what my body really strongly.......추천 -
[비공개] Understanding and Developing Positive ..
Understanding and Developing Positive Emotions05 Oct 2014 Imagine you are walking alone in a forest. You look to your right and then you see a footprint in the mud. It’s not a human footprint. It’s a bear’s footprint.This is not a fictional scenario I made up to introduce you to the psychology of emotions. I was that person on a hike in Yellowstone National Park. The surge of adrenalin fuelled by fear prepared me for what’s known as the fight-or-flight response.That’s the reason that negative emotions impact us so viscerally. Now the problem with bears is that what my body really strongly.......추천 -
[비공개] The Effect of Positive Emotions on Our..
http://fractalenlightenment.com/27015/life/the-effect-of-positive-emotions-on-our-health The Effect of Positive Emotions on Our Health “ The best way to overcome undesirable or negative thoughts and feelings is to cultivate the positive ones.” ~ William Atkinson Its important we recognise our thoughts and emotions and be aware of its effect not only on our health but also our relationships and our surroundings. Positive emotions makes you feel happy and joyful. Everything around you seems beautiful, you enjoy the moment and things seem to fall into place. Barbara Fredrickson, one of .......추천