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청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈

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블로그"청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈"에 대한 검색결과844건
  • [비공개] Why Every Marketer in 2016 Needs to Be..

    Why Every Marketer in 2016 Needs to Be a (Part-Time) Designer: 53 Design Terms and Tips to Level-UpShare with Buffer 21.06.2016 Last updated 3 weeks ago 10 minutesWhen I first started out in marketing, I didn’t quite predict that I’d be a part-time designer, too.Now, in 2016, visual content is more than 40X more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content and it’s become obvious and even necessary for all of us marketers to have at least some basic knowledge of key design terms.Thankfully, we live in a wonderful world where anyone can make the jump from novice to interm.......
    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 12:08 pm|추천


  • [비공개] How to measure the value of your content

    How to measure the value of your content3 under-used metrics to tell you just how valuable your content isValue is quite subjective and can be hard to measure. In this section, I’d love to share a few ways we’re starting to measure the value of our content here at Buffer.1. Run an NPS surveyA Net Promoter Score (NPS) is commonly used to measure loyalty between a brand and a consumer. It can also be a great way to measure the value that your blog is delivering to readers.You calculate NPS by asking a simple question: How likely is it that you would recommend our blog to a friend or colleague?.......
    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 12:05 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 28 of the Best Marketing Campaigns 2016

    Online Marketing 28 of the Best Marketing Campaigns and Experiments of 2016 (and the People Behind Them)8 minutesIt’s easy to get tunnel vision as a marketer.You’ve got lots of goals to achieve, and only so many hours in the day to get there. So you put your head down, get focused, and get results.At the same time, it’s important to let yourself be inspired by others. Our industry can be creative, groundbreaking and a lot of fun. If you’re in need of a marketing recharge, here are 28 amazing marketing campaigns and experiments—and the amazing people who dreamed them up. Read .......
    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 11:58 am|추천


  • [비공개] 왜 사람들은 공유하는가 ? (인포그래픽)

    What People Share and How to Make Your Content Go Viral In a research study titled “Why Content Goes Viral,” assistant professor of marketing at the Wharton School of Business Jonah Berger (who you may also know as the author of the book Contagious) and co-author Katy Milkman looked at 7,000 articles published at The New York Times to see which ones got the most views and social shares and why. The goal of the study was to document what makes content go viral and how to replicate those findings to create viral content. The researchers from the study came up with three key ideas based on thei.......
    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 11:45 am|추천


  • [비공개] Why Do People Share What They Do?

    Why Do People Share What They Do? Here’s What Neuroscience, Psychology, and Relationships Tell Us About Highly Shareable Content 25.08.2015 Last updated 10 months ago 9 minutesWhat makes you stop scrolling through an article, open up a social media app and hit the share button?Is it logic, emotion, or something else?Turns out, there’s more to social sharing than just measuring metrics: Psychology.The strange nature of our brains is the reason we hotly debate the color of a dress or why we freely and emotionally share a post by a grieving widow after the death of her husband or why we feel an.......
    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 11:44 am|추천


  • [비공개] 7 Social Media Psychology Studies

    7 Social Media Psychology Studies That Will Make Your Marketing Smarter Written by Courtney Seiter 13.08.2014 Last updated 1 year ago 7 minutesOne of my favorite things about social media is that it’s still such a young and new form of communication. It feels too early to take anything as a given, so we’re all experimenting, testing and learning together.Every day seems to bring exciting new studies as research shows us more about how social media is changing the way we relate to one another, share information and even form our identities.I’ve been collecting a few of these studies and thin.......
    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 11:40 am|추천


  • [비공개] https://buffer.com/ 소셜마케팅 솔루션 제공회사

    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 11:07 am|추천


  • [비공개] https://blog.bufferapp.com/ 소셜 컨턴츠 마케..

    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 11:05 am|추천


  • [비공개] 공유의 심리학 Content sharing and storytelli..

    Content sharing and storytelling: why and how people share content Share Content sharing is that – often secret – holy grail of many content marketing, social media and online marketing practitioners in general. Although content sharing is just a part of the whole content marketing story and social media marketing reality, all marketers want to see their content shared far and wide with as man.......
    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 11:00 am|추천


  • [비공개] 공유의 심리학 : 왜 사람들은 공유하는가 ?

    More explanations on why people share contentThere have been many other explanations regarding the reasons why people share content and share in general. ShareThis, for instance, looked at the reasons why people share content – and stories – across social networks and they all have a community and emotional dimension. In decreasing order of importance, respondents answered:To help someone who would benefit.To give back, as I benefit from sharing.To inform others about products I like.To show my enthusiasm.To show my dissatisfaction.To be part of a community.To be seen as an expert........
    청소 디자인 그리고 세일즈|2016-07-13 10:57 am|추천


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