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경원식의 마케팅 세상

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블로그"경원식의 마케팅 세상"에 대한 검색결과487건
  • [비공개] 언론에 대한 생각

    모든 언론은 자기만의 색깔이 있다. 그리고, 그 색깔은 기업이 제품을 통해 마케팅을 하듯이 하나의 마케팅 요소가 되는 것이다. 작금의 현실 속에서 사람들은 조선, 중앙, 동아일보가 편향적인 시각을 가지고 있다고 이야기한다. 그러나, 다시금 생각해보면 이는 조중동의 마케팅 요소라고 할 수 있는 것이다. 만일 조, 중, 동이 우편향의 보수적인 관점을 가진 신문 또는 언론이라면, 한겨레신문이나 오마이뉴스는 좌편향의 진보적인 시각을 가진 신문 또는 언론이라고 할 수 있다. 이는 해외에서도 마찬가지이다. 그러나, 어떤 시각을 가지고 있고, 어느 당을 지지한다거나, 혹은 어느 대통령 후보를 지지한다 할지라도 언론의 가장 중요한 임.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-07-13 09:52 am|추천


  • [비공개] 언론에 대한 생각

    모든 언론은 자기만의 색깔이 있다. 그리고, 그 색깔은 기업이 제품을 통해 마케팅을 하듯이 하나의 마케팅 요소가 되는 것이다. 작금의 현실 속에서 사람들은 조선, 중앙, 동아일보가 편향적인 시각을 가지고 있다고 이야기한다. 그러나, 다시금 생각해보면 이는 조중동의 마케팅 요소라고 할 수 있는 것이다. 만일 조, 중, 동이 우편향의 보수적인 관점을 가진 신문 또는 언론이라면, 한겨레신문이나 오마이뉴스는 좌편향의 진보적인 시각을 가진 신문 또는 언론이라고 할 수 있다. 이는 해외에서도 마찬가지이다. 그러나, 어떤 시각을 가지고 있고, 어느 당을 지지한다거나, 혹은 어느 대통령 후보를 지지한다 할지라도 언론의 가장 중요한 임.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-07-13 09:52 am|추천


  • [비공개] Brand Valuation Is the Thing!

    Brand Valuation Is the Thing! By Roger Sinclair Oprah. A working-class abused black female who became a brand so firmly lodged in the collective consciousness of the Western world that recalling the owner’s surname requires a flicker of effort. — The Independent (UK), 12 March 2002 In addition to learning that Oprah had decided not to come to South Africa this week — because of the image she has of our brand — you probably read this week that Australia is now known as Down Wonder. That is the title given to it by the Economist in its lead story about this remarka.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-07-01 10:40 am|추천


  • [비공개] Brand Valuation Is the Thing!

    Brand Valuation Is the Thing! By Roger Sinclair Oprah. A working-class abused black female who became a brand so firmly lodged in the collective consciousness of the Western world that recalling the owner’s surname requires a flicker of effort. — The Independent (UK), 12 March 2002 In addition to learning that Oprah had decided not to come to South Africa this week — because of the image she has of our brand — you probably read this week that Australia is now known as Down Wonder. That is the title given to it by the Economist in its lead story about this remarka.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-07-01 10:40 am|추천


  • [비공개] For CMOs to Be Visionary Leaders,They ..

    For CMOs to Be Visionary Leaders, They Must Have a P&L Mind-set Plus Four Tips For Adopting That Mind-set Even Without Direct Experience By Scott Davis Walmart’s Stephen Quinn has it. So does Adobe’s Ann Lewnes. Steve Meyer of Dell services and Cammie Dunaway of Nintendo have it, too.“It” is a P&L mind-set: a deep understanding of and/or hands-on experience with what it takes to run a business line and deliver the numbers. It’s a mind-set critical for senior marketers to develop or sharpen if they expect to advance from being order takers or sales suppo.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-06-27 10:46 pm|추천


  • [비공개] For CMOs to Be Visionary Leaders,They ..

    For CMOs to Be Visionary Leaders, They Must Have a P&L Mind-set Plus Four Tips For Adopting That Mind-set Even Without Direct Experience By Scott Davis Walmart’s Stephen Quinn has it. So does Adobe’s Ann Lewnes. Steve Meyer of Dell services and Cammie Dunaway of Nintendo have it, too.“It” is a P&L mind-set: a deep understanding of and/or hands-on experience with what it takes to run a business line and deliver the numbers. It’s a mind-set critical for senior marketers to develop or sharpen if they expect to advance from being order takers or sales suppo.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-06-27 10:46 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Cleared for Landing? Airline Brands an..

    Cleared for Landing? Airline Brands and China byLaura Fitch June 22, 2009 issue Airline brands worldwide are in a tailspin as the economic crisis stretches on and passenger numbers continue to plummet. For some carriers, however, the massive Chinese market may provide calmer skies and a brighter horizon. These are lean times for airlines, but those brands that appeal to Chinese travelers stand to make it through the “survival game,” according to Finnair’s chief China representative, Mikko Rautio. According to the International Air Transport Association, after mon.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-06-22 02:25 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Cleared for Landing? Airline Brands an..

    Cleared for Landing? Airline Brands and China byLaura Fitch June 22, 2009 issue Airline brands worldwide are in a tailspin as the economic crisis stretches on and passenger numbers continue to plummet. For some carriers, however, the massive Chinese market may provide calmer skies and a brighter horizon. These are lean times for airlines, but those brands that appeal to Chinese travelers stand to make it through the “survival game,” according to Finnair’s chief China representative, Mikko Rautio. According to the International Air Transport Association, after mon.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-06-22 02:25 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Brand Rejuvenation Strategies

    Brand Rejuvenation Strategies Venktesh Babu Summary This study looks at the concept of Brand Rejuvenation, which is gaining momentum with the increase in the number of brands failing quickly after launch. The study details out the various aspects of Brand Rejuvenation involved in the FMCG sectors. The study gives a brief gist of the various causes for brand rejuvenation, the methods of rejuvenation and also the issues in brand rejuvenation. The study includes insights from the people involved in branding for various companies and many case studies of brands that have be.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-06-14 08:34 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Brand Rejuvenation Strategies

    Brand Rejuvenation Strategies Venktesh Babu Summary This study looks at the concept of Brand Rejuvenation, which is gaining momentum with the increase in the number of brands failing quickly after launch. The study details out the various aspects of Brand Rejuvenation involved in the FMCG sectors. The study gives a brief gist of the various causes for brand rejuvenation, the methods of rejuvenation and also the issues in brand rejuvenation. The study includes insights from the people involved in branding for various companies and many case studies of brands that have be.......
    경원식의 마케팅 세상|2009-06-14 08:34 pm|추천


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