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.Hallo? Kreativ

Creative Developer jaekism@gmail.com
블로그".Hallo? Kreativ"에 대한 검색결과254건
  • [비공개] S-t-y-l-o

    The eclectic animated group are back, reinvented as full CG characters by band co-creator and vid director Jamie Hewlett collaborating with Passion Pictures. Stylo is the first release off Plastic Beach.
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-03 08:59 pm|추천


  • [비공개] OPTVISION

    OPTVISION performed by Atsuhiro Ito
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-03 02:06 am|추천


  • [비공개] OPTVISION

    OPTVISION performed by Atsuhiro Ito
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-03 02:06 am|추천


  • [비공개] OPTVISION

    OPTVISION performed by Atsuhiro Ito
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-03 02:06 am|추천


  • [비공개] OPTVISION

    OPTVISION performed by Atsuhiro Ito
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-03 02:06 am|추천


  • [비공개] Bits and Pieces

    “Projects like Bits & Pieces require a few key things to happen: first and foremost is trust, a degree of flexibility, clear and decisivedecisions and a creative team fueled more by passion than financial reward.” Director, Allen Martinez
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-02 12:52 am|추천


  • [비공개] Bits and Pieces

    “Projects like Bits & Pieces require a few key things to happen: first and foremost is trust, a degree of flexibility, clear and decisivedecisions and a creative team fueled more by passion than financial reward.” Director, Allen Martinez
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-02 12:52 am|추천


  • [비공개] Bits and Pieces

    “Projects like Bits & Pieces require a few key things to happen: first and foremost is trust, a degree of flexibility, clear and decisivedecisions and a creative team fueled more by passion than financial reward.” Director, Allen Martinez
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-02 12:52 am|추천


  • [비공개] Bits and Pieces

    “Projects like Bits & Pieces require a few key things to happen: first and foremost is trust, a degree of flexibility, clear and decisivedecisions and a creative team fueled more by passion than financial reward.” Director, Allen Martinez
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-02 12:52 am|추천


  • [비공개] Google Chrome

    Director Aaron Duffy and the 1st Ave Machine crew not only explaineight features of Google’s Chrome in this viral but also give the browser a friendly, even charming facade through the use of low tech production techniques combined with visually clever blocking.
    .Hallo? Kreativ|2010-03-02 12:24 am|추천


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