블로그"Zero Sum Game"에 대한 검색결과161건
  • [비공개] 본격화된 중남미 진출, 그 특징과 전망

    중남미 IT 시장에 새로운 관심이 쏠리고 있다. 세계경제의 변방, 잦은 경제위기, 지구 반대편 등 부정적 이미지가 지배적이던 중남미에 대한 평가가 최근 몇 년 새 급속도로 개선되면서 IT 산업 분야에서도 중장기적 관점에서 새로운 기회를 모색하려는 움직임이 시작된 것이다. 점차 넓어지고 있는 중남미 IT 시장 중남미는 전통적으로도 IT 분야의 효자시장이었다. 지구 반대편이라는 지리적 약점과 언어, 문화적 장벽에도 불구하고 우리나라 IT 총수출에서 중남.. 'Business' 카테고리의 다른 글 친환경 시장을 여는 열쇠, 에코지능(0) 2011/01/10 Case study: McDonald’s(0) 2011/01/06 본격화된 중남미 진출, 그 특징과 전망(0) 2011/01/03 Case study: Tata(2) 2010/12/29 Case study: Victorinox(0) 2010/12/23 Case study: Nortel(0) 2010/12/16
    Zero Sum Game|2011-01-04 06:32 am|추천


  • [비공개] 본격화된 중남미 진출, 그 특징과 전망

    중남미 IT 시장에 새로운 관심이 쏠리고 있다. 세계경제의 변방, 잦은 경제위기, 지구 반대편 등 부정적 이미지가 지배적이던 중남미에 대한 평가가 최근 몇 년 새 급속도로 개선되면서 IT 산업 분야에서도 중장기적 관점에서 새로운 기회를 모색하려는 움직임이 시작된 것이다. 점차 넓어지고 있는 중남미 IT 시장 중남미는 전통적으로도 IT 분야의 효자시장이었다. 지구 반대편이라는 지리적 약점과 언어, 문화적 장벽에도 불구하고 우리나라 IT 총수출에서 중남..
    Zero Sum Game|2011-01-04 06:32 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case study: Tata

    The story. Tata is India’s oldest and largest private sector business entity. Founded in 1868, the group now consists of more than 100 companies, with a turnover of more than $70bn. It has a wide range of interests, with companies trading in fields as d.. 'Business' 카테고리의 다른 글 Case study: McDonald’s(0) 2011/01/06 본격화된 중남미 진출, 그 특징과 전망(0) 2011/01/03 Case study: Tata(2) 2010/12/29 Case study: Victorinox(0) 2010/12/23 Case study: Nortel(0) 2010/12/16 Case study: Jamii Bora(0) 2010/12/08
    Zero Sum Game|2010-12-30 07:33 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case study: Tata

    The story. Tata is India’s oldest and largest private sector business entity. Founded in 1868, the group now consists of more than 100 companies, with a turnover of more than $70bn. It has a wide range of interests, with companies trading in fields as d..
    Zero Sum Game|2010-12-30 07:33 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case study: Victorinox

    The story Founded in 1884 in Ibach, a small town in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, Victorinox is a popular brand for its famous core product – the Swiss army knife. Victorinox was founded by Karl Elsener in response to the tough economic condi.. 'Business' 카테고리의 다른 글 본격화된 중남미 진출, 그 특징과 전망(0) 2011/01/03 Case study: Tata(2) 2010/12/29 Case study: Victorinox(0) 2010/12/23 Case study: Nortel(0) 2010/12/16 Case study: Jamii Bora(0) 2010/12/08 Case study: Research in Motion(0) 2010/12/02
    Zero Sum Game|2010-12-23 11:14 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case study: Victorinox

    The story Founded in 1884 in Ibach, a small town in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, Victorinox is a popular brand for its famous core product – the Swiss army knife. Victorinox was founded by Karl Elsener in response to the tough economic condi..
    Zero Sum Game|2010-12-23 11:14 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case study: Nortel

    The story In the 1980s Nortel began its evolution from being a supplier of telecommunications equipment to Bell Canada, the telecoms company, into an international competitor in the equipment manufacturing sector. By the late 1990s, it had become one of.. 'Business' 카테고리의 다른 글 Case study: Tata(2) 2010/12/29 Case study: Victorinox(0) 2010/12/23 Case study: Nortel(0) 2010/12/16 Case study: Jamii Bora(0) 2010/12/08 Case study: Research in Motion(0) 2010/12/02 Case study: Lego(0) 2010/11/25
    Zero Sum Game|2010-12-17 08:58 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case study: Nortel

    The story In the 1980s Nortel began its evolution from being a supplier of telecommunications equipment to Bell Canada, the telecoms company, into an international competitor in the equipment manufacturing sector. By the late 1990s, it had become one of..
    Zero Sum Game|2010-12-17 08:58 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case study: Jamii Bora

    The story Jamii Bora is Kenya’s largest microfinance institution and works to help the poor through low-cost loans that enable them to save money and develop small businesses. The challenge Jamii Bora wanted to increase the numbers of members. The organ.. 'Business' 카테고리의 다른 글 Case study: Victorinox(0) 2010/12/23 Case study: Nortel(0) 2010/12/16 Case study: Jamii Bora(0) 2010/12/08 Case study: Research in Motion(0) 2010/12/02 Case study: Lego(0) 2010/11/25 Case study: Baxter’s(0) 2010/11/25
    Zero Sum Game|2010-12-09 08:38 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case study: Jamii Bora

    The story Jamii Bora is Kenya’s largest microfinance institution and works to help the poor through low-cost loans that enable them to save money and develop small businesses. The challenge Jamii Bora wanted to increase the numbers of members. The organ..
    Zero Sum Game|2010-12-09 08:38 am|추천


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